Born in the West of Clare, not far from its ever changing , awe inspiring coastline. As a child I would visit Loop Head and Baltard with my Father. Its Raw, Wild and Bleak Beauty took my breath away and to this day it continues to do so.
Painting or to be a painter was not something that I planned for in my life , however, after the birth of my first daughter the desire to paint seemed to present itself.
I discovered painting with oils, working with it’s richly pigmented, thick and creamy texture brought a sense of well-being, calm and stillness to my mind. Intrigued by how a kaleidoscope of colour could blend and flow effortlessly together and how a landscape could almost emerge, unfold and come alive before your eyes. I was hooked ! I have been painting now for almost 22 years .
I am self taught through the process of investigating, exploring and making lots and lots of mistakes .
When I decide to paint a place , I firstly visit there , just to be present , to notice the energy or maybe if I’m lucky enough to catch a fleeting moment that I would like to bring to the canvas. When it feels right I photograph and use the photos as a beginning reference but the real magic , I believe , comes from the energy of the place whether healing , restless or peaceful .
Powerful crashing waves fill my Spirit with both excitement and fear . But there is also something grounding about those waves crashing against this ancient landscape. Something deep rooted in our ancestry . This ancient conversation is the essence of what I strive to bring to my work
I think ultimately that the viewer will find their own connection or interpretation as we are all human and seeking .
Fiona Ní Chuinn