Noelia Vilches
She was born in Cádiz, on April 6, 1977.
A self-taught painter by nature born in the bosom of a humble family that at
only 18 years of age decides to move to Seville in search of a better world,
where she perfected her technique and began to make her way in this beautiful
artistic world and began to paint professionally, given her recognition and
awards obtained in most of the pictorial local competitions in which she
Her autumnal landscapes confirm her miscellaneous colour palette, where she
immerses herself and captures her sensations, emotions and feelings and
where she shapes her two great passions; Painting and Nature, in a few words
N. Vilches defines her mastery as "Dexterity, Art and Habitat", that is why, when
she is not painting, her mind is busy thinking about what the next image will be
that she will capture, either by many commissions that she has, either because
her world is her particular biosphere, the one that she has established. Her
works are for the moment distributed around the South of Spain, something that makes her feel very happy .