‘Father & Son’ An exhibition of new paintings by Val Byrne & his son, Roland Byrne
13 October 2011
3 November 2011
The Doorway Gallery is delighted to host an exhibition by Val Byrne and his son Roland Byrne called ‘Father & Son’ on Thursday, October 13th between 6-8pm on 24 South Frederick Street. The exhibition will coincide with Val’s milestone, 75th birthday . The show will be officially opened by Eamon de Buitlear and will run until the 3rd November....
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Culture night 2011
23 September 2011
23 September 2011
Culture Night comprises of hundreds of events across Ireland and overseas. From nation’s capital to county town, everyone’s getting involved! Arts and cultural organisations open their doors until late with hundreds of free events, tours, talks & performances for you, your family and friends to enjoy. ...
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Characters in their own story - Solo show by Roisin O’Farrell
8 September 2011
6 October 2011
The Doorway Gallery is delighted to host an exhibition by Roisin O’Farrell called ‘Characters in their own story' on Thursday, September 8th between 6-8pm, at 24 South Frederick Street and will continue to run until October 6th. Colette Fitzpatrick will officially open the exhibition on the evening....
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'Sentinels' by Padriag McCaul 2011
24 March 2011
21 April 2011
There is a simple beauty in the silent, stone farmhouses that are found along the west coast of Ireland. The peeling whitewash, the cracked walls, give these old buildings each their own character, while the twin chimneys, one at each gable end, give them their unique, distinctive look.
They have become part of the fabric of the countryside, in ...
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