Dogs have been in my life since I was born, in fact the only period without canine companionship was during my degree course! I don’t think there is a more rewarding subject matter than painting gorgeous, loving hounds of all shapes and sizes. I paint in oils, mainly on panels. On the backs of the panels I make mixed media, fabric and paper inlays to reflect the title and details of the sitter. I work from a mix of life “sittings” and photographs. Sometimes photographs are the only option when working on commissions [priced from €400 to €1800] from distant locations such as America. Latterly, I seem to have painted quite a few rescue dogs. The model for “La Levrette” which is with The Doorway Gallery is a retired Greyhound called Izzy, who has featured in at least three paintings. Perhaps I’m drawn to them as my own dog, Tess, is a rescue Staffie who has been my constant companion for 15 years.